Sunday, November 30, 2008

Children Snoring Issues

This is good information about Children Snoring Issues:

KK Women's and Children's Hospital - Childhood Illnesses - Snoring: "Researchers have found that 20% of normal children snore occasionally and 7-10% have habitual snoring. In many cases, children who snore are perfectly healthy. About 1% of children snore because they suffer from sleep and breathing problems. The risk is higher if they have a known predisposing factor e.g. large tonsils and adenoids, obesity, nerve and muscle problems, abnormality in the jaw and face area or a family history of sleep and breathing problems. You should be aware of your child's sleep and snoring patterns and visit a sleep specialist if you suspect something out of the ordinary.

Children who struggle to breathe while snoring may be suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypoventilation Syndrome (OSAHS). These children may snort or gasp as they snore, and may appear to 'suck in the chest'. OSAHS is described as breathing that starts and stops during sleep. The stoppage is usually caused when the throat narrows or even closes during sleep."

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